
The ARACNE project aims to implement innovative strategies for CCIs and SMEs, with specific support for start-ups and SMEs to innovate their business models.

The project will study and apply new models for the valorization of silk-built heritage and landscapes, developing business, governance, and financing models. The project will also prioritize respecting individual IPR and conduct a real-time analysis of the project's progress in terms of IP assets generation. These models will be a starting point for further exploitations, such as research, policy development, and inspiring new initiatives.


D 1.1

Guidance model to collect data for schools and communities with tutorial and instructions

D 1.3

Guidance model to collect mulberry samples

D 1.5

Guidance model to collect cocoon samples and list of strains to select for each country

D 5.1
Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan
D 5.2

Website and project branding package


D 1.2

Report on the bottom-up and participative activities for building research, innovation and knowledge for the Silk Innovation Ecosystem

D 1.4

Report on the collected mulberry samples

D 1.6

Silkworm race selection rearing report

D 1.7

Report on silk narrative catalogue

D 5.3

Progress Report on the online project communication

D 5.4

List of scientific and popular publications v1.0

D 5.6

Report on preparation of the educational kit and educational packages