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The Veneto Region’s training course for agricultural entrepreneurs in sericulture is about to start

CREA Agricoltura e Ambiente engaged in dissemination in this last part of 2024

The Veneto Region is once again promoting a course in sericulture for the year 2024, aimed at agricultural entrepreneurs or their employees who are active in the Veneto region. CREA’s action is therefore continuing, with three teachers on the course, supported by the CIPAT vocational training centre. The course starts with a large number of participants (25 enrolled) and will be conducted in a mixed mode (online lessons and a personal visit to the CREA Sericulture Laboratory), for a total of 24 hours.  The course will inform the participants about the new actions undertaken for the development of the silkworm rearing, including the possibilities offered by the European project Aracne for the development of a European Silk Route and those promoted by the law for the Silk Road in Veneto, recently approved by the Regional Council.

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