
IMIDA Presentation of a virtual version of Silk Museum of Sericulture Station of Murcia

On November 9th-10th 2023, Jose Luis Cenis, in representation of IMIDA, perfomed a presentation intitled »Una versión virtual del Museo de la Seda de La Sericícola de Murcia« (A virtual version of Silk Museum of Sericulture Station of Murcia) at the event Jornadas Museos Virtuales involved in the XII Jornadas Internacionales de Investigación en Educación Artística in Valencia (Spain).

The presentation included information about ARACNE project, the main objectives and focused more specifically on the activities involved in WP2, task 2.2 Fine-tuning and testing of a first virtual and georeferenced prototype for the IMIDA Museum ofScience of Silk.

This event was focused on Virtual Museums, therefore Jose Luis exposed to the audience the advances on the virtual and georeferenced prototype and the computer tools used to develop it.

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